Aunt Laura gave Collin a fun project for the summer. She found him a monarch caterpillar to watch turn into a butterfly. He really enjoyed watching the process and at times we had to convince him to leave the bug house to do something else or he would just sit and watch.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Kade just finished his art class at the YMCA. He had so much fun painting and exploring the classroom. His favorite was the water table and the messy paint. At the end of class both of us (or Dad when he took him) were covered in paint.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Collin playing soccer in his soccer class.
James and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on July 8th. We took my brother out for his birthday on the 7th so we have some pictures of us at midnight. The day of our anniversary we went out for dinner, went mini golfing, and went to the movies. It was fun to have an actual date!
During the week of the 4th we headed to Nana and Papa's house to help them pack for the big move. We headed out to the land to see the progress on the house. While there Kade decided to try and drive the construction equipment.
4th of July fun!! Aunt Laura and I took Collin to the drive-in movies.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Kade gets his first haircut. He did a nice job holding still and looks so handsome!